Give today.

Wayfinders is powered by donations that allow us to best serve students from all areas of need.

We currently accept donations through Venmo, PayPal and by check.

Please make checks payable to Wayfinders Inc. and mail to

Wayfinders Inc.
125 Chenoweth Lane, Suite 109
Louisville, KY 40207

  • $25

    Could provide a sensory box or a brand new book for a child

  • $50

    Could provide a weighted lap pad, wiggle seat, or headphones

  • $100

    Could cover the cost of one treatment session

  • $250

    Could cover the cost of small group support for one week

Giving Tiers


An initial evaluation offers helpful information in understanding a child’s development and also allows therapists to make a recommendation for services to better support a child. A donation of $400 provides a family with a speech-language, occupational therapy or reading evaluation.

12 Weeks of Occupational or Speech-Language Therapy

The average length of services for speech-language therapy or occupational therapy is 12 weeks. A donation of $2,400 provides speech-language therapy or occupational therapy for a child for 12 weeks.

12 Weeks of Academic Intervention

The average length of services for academic intervention for a child who needs a little extra help in reading, writing, or math is 12 weeks. A donation of $2,400 provides academic support for a child for 12 weeks.

16 Weeks of Reading Intervention

The average length of services for reading intervention for a child with dyslexia is 16 weeks. A donation of $4,800 provides reading intervention for a child for 16 weeks. 


Memorial or Tribute Donation

Recognize a special person in your life with a memorial or tribute gift to Wayfinders. This is a great way to honor your loved one and help families in our community. Wayfinders will acknowledge your gift by sending an appropriate note to the family or friend of whom the gift was made in honor of.

Corporate Gifting

Corporate gifts are a critical source of funds for Wayfinders and a major pillar in our ability to provide children with life-altering care. A philanthropic partnership with Wayfinders allows your business to showcase their commitment to improving the health and welfare of children. 

Our Commitment to Our Donors: Wayfinders uses donor information to maintain records of donations and to send acknowledgements and impact reports. We do not sell, rent, or trade our donors’ personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Wayfinders, both online and offline.